Importanza e vantaggi della soluzione di accumulo di energia domestica On grid
31 Aug 2021

I sistemi solari on-grid o grid-tie sono di gran lunga i più comuni e ampiamente utilizzati da case e aziende. Questi sistemi possono essere collegati alla rete elettrica pubblica. L'energia solare in eccesso che generi viene esportata nella rete elettrica e di solito vieni pagato una tariffa feed-in (FiT) o crediti per l'energia che esporti.

Sul sistema solare a griglia

I vantaggi del sistema di accumulo di energia On grid sono indicati di seguito:

Cost effective: Householders get benefits by selling excess energy back to the grid at normal retail prices. As well as lower energy bills, grid connected solar systems can add overall value to properties too.
Environment friendly: An energy storage system has no emissions, so it can be placed anywhere in a facility with no immediate environmental or air quality impacts.
Maximizing time-of-use rates: Energy storage systems can shift consumption of electricity from expensive periods of high demand to periods of lower cost electricity during low demand. This reduces the risk of lowering the value of on-site solar if tariff structures change over time, and peak demand periods shift to the evening when the sun isn’t shining.

Emergency backup: Commercial and industrial facilities have invested significantly in local emergency backup infrastructure. With advanced storage solutions on the market today, there may be opportunities to upgrade this infrastructure to provide not only emergency backup, but also a host of other money-saving and money-making solutions.

EverExceed EGX Series Energy Storage System is considered as cost effective and robust centralized option for supplying electricity as per own convenience. It can be used as both on/off grid system. The system provides high efficiency and maximum reliability in a compact, space saving battery cabinet. This is a versatile energy storage system with advanced, unique and user-friendly to operate any household and small enterprise appliances.

Scopri di più su come EverExceed può aiutarti a progettare un sistema di accumulo di energia personalizzato per la tua casa e la tua azienda. Per qualsiasi domanda, non esitare a contattarci.
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